
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

كيف تحمي الفتيات نفسها من التعرض للتحرش والاغتصاب - للبنات فقط

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الاسلوب والطريقه الرائعه لكي تحافظ

الفتاه علي نفسها من اي تحرش او اعتداء جنسي

الفيديو للفتيات فقط :)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Health Effects of Positive Thinking

Positive thinking not only changes your mind, it affects your body. So says Daisaku Ikeda, president of the world's largest Buddhist community, Soka Gakkai International. According to Ikeda, as soon as you decide to achieve a certain goal, every part of you, including your nerve fibers, gear up to help you achieve it. Conversely, says Ikeda on the Soka Gakkai website, as soon as you think you can't possibly succeed, "every cell in your being will be deflated and give up the fight [and] everything really will move in the direction of failure." Research supports Ikeda's claim.

More Resiliency

When life knocks down some people, says resiliency coach Angie LeVan of the University of Pennsylvania Abramson Cancer Center, they go down swinging and jump back on their feet to keep fighting---often with more power in their punches than they had at first. LeVan calls such people "people in high efficacy." She says they "learn from failure and channel it into success." In life, setbacks resulting from illness, death and countless other realities are bound to happen. But instead of being defeated by them, people in high efficacy use these obstacles to grow stronger.

Less Depression

According to the National Alliance of Mental Illness, untreated clinical or major depression can lead to suicide. Environmental factors, an imbalance of chemicals in the brain, and dysfunctional thinking are potential causes of major depression. Hara Estroff Marano, editor-at-large of Psychology Today, suggests that we train ourselves in cognitive-thinking---thinking about what we're thinking. By doing this we can combat negative self-talk with positive messages and stop a minor case of the blues from becoming a major depression. "The quickest way to change how you feel is to change how you think," says Marano.

More Immunity

Researcher Sheldon Cohen, Ph.D. asked a volunteer group of 334 18- to 34-year olds how often they experienced happy or unhappy emotions. The volunteers then received nasal drops containing a common cold virus. People who reported feeling happier were less likely to catch a cold. The March 2010 issue of Psychological Science, features Dr. Suzanne Segerstrom's study of 124 first-year law students. They completed questionnaires to determine how optimistic they felt. Each student received an injection that made skin bumps appear and become larger or smaller depending on her level of germ immunity. Highly optimistic students experienced higher immunity levels.

Less Cardiovascular Disease

Men who believed their risk of suffering from cardiovascular disease was lower than average were three times less likely to die from heart attacks and strokes than men who believed otherwise found a 15-year study conducted by University of Rochester Medical Center researcher Robert Gramling. In Dr. Karina Davidson's 10-year study of 877 healthy women and 862 healthy men, published in the February 2010 issue of European Heart Journal, participates who reported feeling happier had less heart attacks than those who felt less happy.

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Ayurveda and Yogurt: Nutritional Health Benefits

The Ayurveda practice is a type of natural method that can effectively heal problems by utilizing holistic nutrition. By using nutrition to balance the internal essence of a body, it is believed to relieve problems that can cause health complications such as discomfort and disease. When discussing a more specific topic such as digestive complications, Ayurveda and yogurt come together to promote health and wholeness.

Digestion problems tend to be a major discomfort and can even lead to more serious issues. No one likes the pain, irregularity and the overall aggravation of these occurrences. So when you combine Ayurveda and yogurt to fix this common irritation the natural option not only fixes the problem but allows the body to become healthier in the long run.

The elements that make yogurt work so well in relieving digestive complications are the bacteria that are added to the yogurt making process. These bacterial cultures cleanse and promote digestive health and well being.

The Ayurveda technique is to add live bacteria to boiled milk. It is commonly blended with water to make something called lassi. This is a beverage that is usually consumed during the mid part of a person’s day. The reason for this is that in Ayurveda medicine it is believed that if it is consumed at the beginning or the end of the day the yogurt might reverse the positive effects on the body. By reversing the positive effects it typically means that the yogurt will turn harmful to the body. If the yogurt does not produce the desired results, other Ayurveda elements such as spices can be mixed in the yogurt to enhance the beneficial qualities.

The yogurt must be fresh in order for the healing powers of Ayurveda and yogurt to fully and properly work for an individual. According to Ayurveda professionals, the yogurt is more of a balancing property for Vata. It is not so much a balancing agent for Pitta or Kapha as much as it is for Vata.

The experts tend to stress that organic or fresh home made yogurt is the best. It is most important to them because they believe that only with the fresh made yogurt can it actually heal. So, if you are considering Ayurveda and yogurt for your digestive problems then keep the tips provided here in mind. Ayurveda is not for everyone as it is considered a religious method to healing by many supporters. Yogurt has long been used by nutritionists and the application of yogurt for healing the digestive tract has been well documented for all individuals. This is why this particular effective method is so widely employed.

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Managing Diabetes using Positive Thought Affirmations

Diabetes, the eighth largest cause of death in the world is reaching epidemic proportions due to sedentary lifestyles, obesity, and poor nutrition.  While diabetes remains incurable, through diligence, determination and effort, it can be managed.  With a modification of lifestyle, one can lead a normal life and detour the effects and complications of the disease that so often ruin the quality of life.

As with any type of lifestyle change, lasting results can only be achieved when an individual believes that they are capable of achieving that change, is enthusiastic about setting goals, willing to make the necessary modifications, and are expectant of positive results.  The acceptance of diabetes is the first step in controlling it.  Learning to embrace the disease through the use of positive affirmations can set one on the path to make the modifications needed for optimal health.

How Positive Affirmations Work

Positive affirmations program the mind by replacing negative, dysfunctional thoughts with positive, more productive and optimistic thoughts.  When the mind perceives circumstances and changes as helpful and constructive, the rate of success to manage the diabetes is high.  Repeating positive statements about accepting the diabetes, remaining upbeat, positive and enjoying the changes in eating habits and exercise routines can greatly affect the speed at which tight management can be achieved.

The Most Effective Use of Affirmations

The most rapid and effective approach to convincing the mind to embrace the disease and welcome the necessary changes is to repeat these affirmations during sleep when the mind is in a more relaxed state and more receptive to the statements.  The use of a machine specifically designed for this technique is all that is required.  This type of device, like the AWAKE2000, works by allowing an individual to record their own positive statements in their own voice and play them back numerous times during the night.  Research has shown that the brain cycles during sleep and these machines are programmed to release the affirmations at the perfect time during those cycles.  This process produces the right climate for the positive seeds of thought to take root and grow.

Good Examples of Affirmations for Diabetes

To achieve success in managing diabetes, one should create affirmations that are simple yet effective.  An affirmation should be stated in the present tense and in a manner that tells the mind that the act has already been achieved.  A few examples are:  “I accept my diabetes and I am managing it well every day.”, “I love green vegetables and I enjoy eating them every day.”, “I am full of energy and good health as I exercise everyday.”   Staying focused on optimistic words will produce effective results.  One should refrain from taking an approach like: “I love sugar but I am going to stop eating anything with sugar in it.”  This statement brings attention to the one thing that needs to be avoided and automatically suggests to the mind that sugar is good.  Following these suggestions will no doubt prove to be beneficial for the health of the body, managing diabetes and improving one’s attitude towards their illness.


Stress Management

Stress Management and Health Benefits of Laughter

Research has shown that the health benefits of laughter are far-ranging. While more studies need to be done, studies so far have shown that laughter can help relieve pain, bring greater happiness, and even increase immunity. Positive psychology names the propensity for laughter and sense of humor as one of the 24 main signature strengths one can possess, and laughter yoga clubs are springing up across the country. Read on for more findings about the health benefits of laughter, and see how to incorporate more humor and fun into your life.

Stress Management Benefits of Laughter:

    * Hormones: Laughter reduces the level of stress hormones like cortisol, epinephrine (adrenaline), dopamine and growth hormone. It also increases the level of health-enhancing hormones like endorphins, and neurotransmitters. Laughter increases the number of antibody-producing cells and enhances the effectiveness of T cells. All this means a stronger immune system, as well as fewer physical effects of stress.

    * Physical Release: Have you ever felt like you "have to laugh or I'll cry"? Have you experienced the cleansed feeling after a good laugh? Laughter provides a physical and emotional release.

    * Internal Workout: A good belly laugh exercises the diaphragm, contracts the abs and even works out the shoulders, leaving muscles more relaxed afterward. It even provides a good workout for the heart.

    * Distraction: Laughter brings the focus away from anger, guilt, stress and negative emotions in a more beneficial way than other mere distractions.

    * Perspective: Studies show that our response to stressful events can be altered by whether we view something as a 'threat' or a 'challenge'. Humor can give us a more lighthearted perspective and help us view events as 'challenges', thereby making them less threatening and more positive. (For more on changing your perspective, see this article on cognitive reframing.)

    * Social Benefits of Laughter: Laughter connects us with others. Just as with smiling and kindness, most people find that laughter is contagious, so if you bring more laughter into your life, you can most likely help others around you to laugh more, and realize these benefits as well. By elevating the mood of those around you, you can reduce their stress levels, and perhaps improve the quality of social interaction you experience with them, reducing your stress level even more!

How To Use Laughter:

Laughter is one of my all-time favorite stress management strategies because it's free, convenient, and beneficial in so many ways. You can get more laughter in your life with the following strategies:

    * T.V. and Movies: There's no shortage of laughter opportunities from the entertainment, both at the theater and in the aisles of the video stores, as well as at home with T.V. comedies. While wasting your time watching something marginally funny may actually frustrate you, watching truly hilarious movies and shows is an easy way to get laughter into your life whenever you need it.

    * Laugh With Friends: Going to a movie or comedy club with friends is a great way to get more laughter in your life. The contagious effects of laughter may mean you'll laugh more than you otherwise would have during the show, plus you'll have jokes to reference at later times. Having friends over for a party or game night is also a great setup for laughter and other good feelings. (See this article on laughing more for additional tips on getting more fun and laughter into your life.)

    * Find Humor In Your Life: Instead of complaining about life's frustrations, try to laugh about them. If something is so frustrating or depressing it's ridiculous, realize that you could 'look back on it and laugh.' Think of how it will sound as a story you could tell to your friends, and then see if you can laugh about it now. With this attitude, you may also find yourself being more lighthearted and silly, giving yourself and those around you more to laugh about. Approach life in a more mirthful way and you'll find you're less stressed about negative events, and you'll achieve the health benefits of laughter. (See this article on maintaining a sense of humor.)

    * 'Fake It Until You Make It': Just as studies show the positive effects of smiling occur whether the smile is fake or real, faked laughter also provides the benefits mentioned above. The body can't distinguish between 'fake' laughter that you just start doing on purpose, and 'real' laughter that comes from true humor--the physical benefits are exactly the same, and the former usually leads to the latter anyway. So smile more, and fake laughter; you'll still achieve positive effects, and the fake merriment may lead to real smiles and laughter.

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Friday, March 25, 2011

فنانات خليجيات بدون مكياج - حصري 2011

لتفعيل الفيديو: اضغط علي ايكونه


صور نادره لفنانات ومغنيات ومشاهير
خليجيات بدون الميك اب والمكياج

صور لم تعرض من قبل

Thursday, March 24, 2011

عاجل | دعوى قضائية تؤكد عدم دستورية تنحي مبارك وتطالب بعودته !!!

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قام عدد من المحامين أطلقوا على أنفسهم "شباب محامي مصر الحر" برفع دعوى قضائية بمجلس الدولة تطعن على قرار تنحي الرئيس السابق مبارك، مطالبة ببطلان القرار وبعودة مبارك مرة أخرى لاستكمال مدته الرئاسية.
واستند رافعوا الدعوة المحامون ثروت محمد صالح، ومحى كامل راشد، وحمدي سيد مهني بحسب ما أكده أحدهم في تصريحات خاصة لمصراوي انه بناءً على المواد 74 و152 و المادة رقم 1 من القانون رقم 174 لسنة 2005، والتي تستوجب عرض أي قرار رئاسي يخص الشعب للاستفتاء العام وهو مالم يحدث مما يجعل القرار بطلا بنص الدستور.
وأضاف انه بناءً على مواد الدستور السالف ذكرها فإن قرار مبارك بالتنحي باطلاً، ومن حقه أن يتراجع عنه خلال 60 يوماً من إصداره، وعليه فإن مبارك مازال دستوريًا هو الرئيس الشرعي للبلاد، ولكي يدخل قراره حيز التنفيذ يجب أن يستفتي الشعب عليه، علاوة على أن قرار تفويض المجلس الأعلى لإدارة شئون البلاد مخالف للدستور- بحسب تأكيدات رافي الدعوة-.
وفي نفس السياق أكد المحامي محيي كامل أحد رافعي الدعوة أن محاكمات الوزراء السابقين ورجال الأعمال باطلة نظرا لتعطيل الدستور وهو ما يستتبعه تعطيل القوانين المنسلخة بالأساس من الدستور قائلا:" لا عقوبة ولا جريمة دون نص.. وفي ظل تعطيل الدستور لا يوجد نص".
وأكد محيي أن قرار تنحي مبارك غير دستوري، وكل ما نتج عنه قرارات باطلة يجب التراجع عنها وسحبها وإعادة مبارك مرة أخرى لاستكمال مدته الرئاسية، وردا على أن الدستور الآن معطل وعليه تنتفي حجية المواد الدستورية التي يستند إليها قال: العبرة بوقت صدور القرار وحينها كان الدستور قائما وغير معطل وبالتالي فإن الدستور حينها كان يعمل وبالتالي تخضع الدعوى لمقتضيات دستور 71.
منقول من مصراوي

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

ده عن جد اعلان يفطس من الضحك

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اعلان كوميدي جدا

ومثير للضحك اتمني مشاهده ممتعه

Monday, March 21, 2011

موقف كوميدي جدا - مواطن يدخل لجنه الاستفتاء علي التعديلات بحماره الشخصي :)

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يانهار اسود.. مواطن دخل لجنة الاستفتاء على التعديلات الدستورية في مصر وهو راكب على حماره
يحتمل أن يكون المصوت مصاب أو معاق .. ولكن لا مانع من استمرار خفة الدم المصري :)
قمة الكوميديا

Sunday, March 20, 2011

فضيحه الجنس علي النت - تقرير خاص جدا

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تقرير خطير جدا عن العلاقات المحرمه

اللتي تتم خلال غرف الدردشه وبرامج المحادثه

وممارسه الجنس عبر الانترنت وتبادل الثقافات الاباحيه

فالانترنت شبكه سلاح ذو حديين

قد تستخدمها في ما يفيدك ويفيد مجتمعك

وقد تستخدمه فيما يضرك ويضر من حولك

فكن حذر حتي لا تنخدع

Saturday, March 19, 2011

شاهد عمرو دياب وصباعه لونه بمبي بعد الاستفتاء علي تعديل الدستور

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عمرو دياب يدلي بصوته في استفتاء التعديلات الدستورية بإحدى مدارس الهرم

أدلى عمرو دياب بصوته في استفتاء التعديلات الدستورية، وذلك في إحدى اللجان الموجودة بمدرسة في الهرم.

وكان بعض نشطاء الفيس بوك قد وضعوا اسم عمرو دياب ضمن القائمة السوداء للفنانين الذين عملوا ضد ثورة 25 يناير بسبب عدم إنحيازه للثورة وتردد أنباء عن سفره خارج مصر فور وقوع الثورة.

ويشهد الاستفتاء إقبالا كبيرا من كل طوائف الشعب المصري.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

خطير : ثعبان يلدغ عارضه ازياء اسرائيليه من صدرها ويموت بسبب السليكون

لتفعيل المشاهده: اضغط علي ايكونه


"العارضة بصحة جيدة و الثعبان مات".. هذا ما حدث بعد أن حاولت عارضة الأزياء الإسرائيلية أوريت فوكس تقبيل أفعى خلال الدعاية التي نظمها راديو 103 "أف أم" في تل أبيب.

حيث طلب منها أن تقوم بتقبيل أفعى، ولكن سرعان ما قامت الأفعى بلدغ فوكس من ثديها، وهو الشيء الذي أستدعي نقلها إلي مستشفي خارج القدس.

بينما مات الثعبان بعد وقت قصير فهو لم يدرك أن قبلة فوكس كانت قبلة الوداع بالنسبة له، حيث مات متأثرا بالتسمم من قبل السليكون الموضوع في ثدي العارضة.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

خطير : هل تعلم ان ثلث مستخدمي الانترنت في العالم تحت المراقبه

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''أعداء الانترنت''.. هو شعار التقرير الذى صدر مؤخرا عن منظمة (مراسلون بلاحدود) الذى كشف ان هناك واحدا من ثلاثة من مستخدمى الانترنت فى العالم ليس لديهم الحرية الكافية لاستخدام الانترنت كوسيلة لحرية المعلومات ومن بين الدول الاعداء تونس وليبيا.

كما ان هناك عشر دول تضع مستخدمى الانترنت تحت المراقبة.

كما أن هناك بعض الدول التى تحكم بالسجن على مستخدمى الانترنت مثل الصين وفيتنام وايران مما يجعل عدد المساجين الذين يستخدمون الانترنت يصلون الى 119 سجينا فى العالم.

ومن بين قائمة الدول التى تمنع استخدام الانترنت هناك المملكة العربية السعودية ورومانيا وكوريا الشمالية وكوبا واوزبكستان وسوريا وتركمنستان.

وذكر التقرير ان هناك 16 دوله تضع مستخدمى الانترنت تحت المراقبة منها بعض الدول الديمقراطية التى تؤمن بحرية الرأى والصحافة ومنها لاول مره فرنسا.

نقلا عن موقع مصراوي

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

هام جدا | رساله للرئيس السابق حسني مبارك - رائعه

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رساله الي رئيس مصر السابق

محمد حسني مبارك

غناء : حاتي مصر


Monday, March 14, 2011

خبر خطير | جمال مبارك هوه القاتل الحقيقي للمطربه ذكري !!

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فى مفاجأة من العيار الثقيل فجرها أخو وأخت "توفيق وسيدة محمد الدالي" المطربة ذكرى على صفحتهم على الفيس بوك هي أنه حان الوقت لكشف غموض مقتلها، خاصة مع سقوط النظام الفاسد في كل من تونس ومصر، متهمين جمال مبارك بعينه، بأنه كان ضلعا رئيسيا في مقتل ذكري

وفى توضيح للأمر حيث ترجع الأحداث الى أغتهام زوجها أيمن السويدى بقتلها ومن معها وقتل نفسه بعد ذلك وهو مخمور وهذا ما كذبه أخوانها على صفحتهم اليوم حيث قالوا أنه سبق وان كذب ذلك عائلة السويدى لأن أيمن زوج ذكرى كان يعانى من قرحة فى المعدة وبالتالي لم يكن مخمورا لحظة وقوع الجريمة

إليكم نص البيان الذي نشره شقيقا "ذكري" علي موقع الفيس بوك:

قاتل ذكرى لم يمت وهو حي يرزق,,معا من اجل فضح المجرم وقاتل الفنانة المغدورة ذكرى باسمي وباسم كل عائلة المرحومة ذكرى نطلب مساعدتكم في فضح المجرم حتى ينال عقابه بعد سقوط النظام الفاسد في كل من تونس ومصر ولدى العائلة كل الأدلة والإثباتات بأن ذكرى لم يقتلها زوجها " مثلما ذكر طوال هذه السنين" نطلب من الإخوة الصحافيين والمحامين مساعدتنا في إظهار الحق قاتل ذكرى هو جمال مبارك ابن الرئيس المخلوع لكل من له رغبة في مساعدتنا سواء من محامين أو صحفيين الرجاء الاتصال بنا السيد توفيق و السيدة سيدة محمد الدالى . على هذا الإيميل: ، ومحمول 21698314579
المصدر : -

Sunday, March 13, 2011

حقيقه خطيره | وائل غنيم ادمن خالد سعيد هوه مؤسس موقع اسلام واي الشهير - فيديو خاص

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تخيلو ان وائل غنيم

ادمن وصاحب اشهر صفحه مصريه علي الفيس بوك

كلنا خالد سعيد اللي كانت من اسباب قيام الثوره الخالده

اللي اتهموه بالباطل انه ماسوني وكلام غريب جدا

شوفو كلام الشيخ محمد اسماعيل والحقيقه

اللي محدش يعرفها


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